Home Care Services for Veterans
Infinity Healthcare Services, LLC gives our veterans and their surviving spouses of all ages who may be at risk of nursing home placement the opportunity to direct their care to live independently in the comfort of their home.
Whether it’s just running errands, medication reminders, or assisting with your daily activities, we hire well-trained and professional aides to assist you.
We partner with the veterans’ aid and attendance program to obtain funds that aid in helping to pay for the cost of home care services. Veterans’ aid and attendance benefits are funding sources that pay a monthly reimbursement for the cost of home care assistance. Inquire today to see if you are eligible!
We believe that Our Veterans have fought and worked so hard for us. Now it’s our turn to work hard and support them by providing the exceptional companion care that they need.

Three Steps to Excellent Care
Free Consultation
Schedule your free consultation today with one of our compassionate caregivers by calling 267-799-4486.
Get the Care that is Right for your Loved One
Our dedicated team of experienced caregivers will make sure that your elderly loved ones feel as comfortable as possible in the familiar surroundings of their very own home.
Enjoy Peace of Mind with Excellent Care
We’re proud to say that our qualified caregivers go above and beyond for your peace of mind. Make sure to call us today at 267-799-4486 to learn more or to schedule your free digital consultation.
For more questions about these services, please contact us.
Contact Us
Please fill out our contact form to be connected with someone from the Infinity Healthcare Services, LLC office. We are prepared to provide you with any information you might need regarding the services we provide.